ASCP Consent Forms

ASCP Consent Forms are important for you to get skin care treatment. The only association for exclusively licensed estheticians is ASCP (Associated Skin Care Professionals). By offering top-notch education, cutting-edge business solutions, and skin care insurance, Associated Skin Care Professionals offers membership that enables you to achieve your skin pro goals.

Get to the next level of success as a professional esthetician, whether you want to further your career or just need some help with the daily grind.

Let ASCP provide you with the tools for developing your spa business, cutting-edge esthetic technique films, and professional guidance to help you surpass your objectives and push the limits in your professional skin care career!

Code of Ethics for ASCP

I will use my membership in Associated Skin Care Professionals and the logos, materials, and tools it offers to promote my practice and build my credibility. I affirm my dedication to the highest standards of the esthetics industry, as stated in the following:

1. A Focus on Providing High-Quality Care

At all times, I’ll put my clients’ needs first and offer the greatest esthetic procedures and treatments I’m capable of. I am aware that it is my responsibility to establish and preserve a successful, healthy, and secure relationship with my clients.

2. The dedication to do no harm

I won’t carry out any work that isn’t within my legal authorization under state and federal laws and regulations. I will work with medical experts in a cordial and professional manner and will not use contraindicated items or techniques without a documented referral from the client’s primary care physician. Each client will receive a complete consultation, skin examination, and evaluation of their medical history in order to rule out any contraindications or establish the most appropriate therapy modifications. If I notice symptoms of, or suspect, an undiscovered ailment for which skin care services might not be appropriate, or if the client requires work outside of my skillset, area of expertise, or training, I shall send the client to another practitioner. I am aware of how crucial having an ethical touch is, and I will always conduct treatments with the client’s interests in heart.

3. A dedication to accurately representing qualifications

I will only offer treatments and procedures for which I am completely qualified, and I will be truthful in how I describe my background, education, experience, and credentials. I won’t do any work that isn’t within the esthetician’s acknowledged field of expertise. Only procedures and methods for which I have had thorough training and am credibly credentialed will I offer. I’ll keep up my professional expertise, including my understanding of the side effects and precautions associated with the treatments I recommend. I will carefully assess each client’s demands and, if necessary, recommend the client to another supplier if the work is outside the extent of my expertise. I shall not falsely represent my association with a system or group by using its trademarks or emblems. By not overstating the advantages of aesthetic services and related services in my marketing, I will admit the limitations of skin care.

4. A dedication to upholding the inherent worth of every person

I’ll act with tolerance, respect, and compassion toward others. I’ll work to eradicate prejudice, misunderstandings, and discrimination. I am aware that there are instances in which it is necessary to refuse service to a client in the interest of the client’s health or my personal safety, but I will never do so on the grounds of a client’s disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, physical appearance, or sexual orientation; or because of their religion, country of origin, or political affiliation; or their social or economic standing.

5. A Promise to Uphold Client Dignity and Fundamental Rights

I promise to safeguard the integrity of the esthetician-client relationship while employing proper procedures, maintaining a clean, comfortable, and safe atmosphere for treatments, and respecting the rights and dignity of every person I come into contact with.

6. A dedication to informed consent

I’ll acknowledge a client’s right to have control over what happens to their body using an informed ASCP consent forms. I am aware that an esthetician who pushes his or her personal opinions on a situation without giving the customer a thorough consultation and skin analysis may cause the client mental and bodily harm. I’ll completely tell my patients about their options for care, as well as any rules and restrictions that might have an impact on it. Without a client’s informed agreement (or that of the client’s guardian or advocate) to the treatment plan, I will not perform aesthetic procedures.

7. A dedication to secrecy

Within the bounds of the law, I shall respect the privacy of client communications and information and will never disclose it without the client’s prior written consent. I’ll make sure every attempt is made to uphold a client’s right to privacy and to provide a space where information about their personal health cannot be overheard or observed by others.

adherence to boundaries both personally and professionally

In my esthetic practice, I shall abstain from and work to avoid actions that can be construed as sexual, and I’ll keep the highest ethical standards. I won’t date a client, have sex with a client, or put up with any sexual impropriety (behavior or language) on my part or that of my clients. I am aware that engaging in sexual misconduct could result in accusations of sexual harassment, the suspension of my license as an esthetician, lawsuits for personal injury, criminal charges, fines, attorney’s fees, court costs, and jail time.

9. A Promise of Integrity in Business

I will be knowledgeable about ethical business conduct and adhere to tax laws and regulations. I’ll charge reasonable rates and be truthful in all of my promotional materials. I won’t take gifts, money, or other advantages meant to influence a client-related decision. I guarantee to utilize the Associated Skin Care Professionals logo properly if I do so in order to promote my business and build my credibility.

10. A Strong Professionalism Commitment

I’ll continue to be open and honest in my communications with clients and coworkers. I won’t consume alcohol or recreational drugs before or during therapy. I promise to conduct myself professionally and present myself in a way that reflects the greatest ideals of the aesthetics profession. I won’t intentionally try to win over other estheticians’ clients, treat customers or colleagues disrespectfully, or deliberately disparage other associated professionals. By committing to my own development and consistently enhancing my professional abilities, I will actively work to positively promote the esthetic profession.

Download ASCP Consent Forms 2024

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